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Recent ratings (9,559)

Doomed Beauty (2016)


Blýskání pod Tatrami (2024) (TV movie)


A Game Without Rules (1967)


Rothschild Saga (2021) (TV movie)

Boo! 2024-08-25

Belmondo: The Incorrigible (2022) (TV movie)


Ancient Egypt: Chronicles of an Empire (2022) (series)


Paris 2024 Olympic Opening Ceremony (2024) (shows)

Boo! 2024-07-27

Is Genesis History? (2017)


Inkognito (2021) (shows)

Boo! 2024-07-24


Recent diary (24)

Jesús Franco

TOP 20 movies Franco (* viděl jsem).

1. The Diabolical Dr. Z *
2. The Awful Dr. Orloff (1962)
3. Faceless (1987)
4. Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun (1977)
5. The Sadistic Baron Von Klaus (1962)
6. Bloody Moon (1981)
7. Jack the Ripper (1976)*
8.  Les avaleuses (1973)
9.  Les démons (1973)*
10. 99 Women (1969)*
11. Venus in Furs (1969)*
12. Macumba Sexual (1983)
13. Barbed Wire Dolls (1975)*
14. Vampyros Lesbos (1971)
15. Mil Sexos Tiene la Noche (1984)
16. Necronomicon (1968)*
17. Gemidos de Placer (1983)
18. Marquis de Sade´s Justine (1969)*
20. Eugenie, Story of her Journey into Perversion (1970)*
21. The Other Side of the Mirror (1975)*
22. Eugenia de Sade (1974)*
23. A Virgin Among the Living Dead (1973)