Most Watched Genres / Types / Origins

  • Drama
  • Comedy
  • Crime
  • Action
  • Western

Favorite Actors (10)

Kevin Costner

Lieutenant Dunbar-Tanec s Vlky 1990

"ActuaIIy, sir, I'm here at my own request." "ReaIIy? Why?"

"I've aIways wanted to see the frontier." "You want to see the frontier?"

"Yes, sir." "Before it's gone."

Clint Eastwood

Blondie"The Good"-Hodný,zlý a ošklivý 1966

 "You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend......those with loaded guns, and those who dig." "You dig."

Josef Abrhám

Dalibor Vrána-Vrchní,prchni! 1980

"Byl jeden čuník a všichni mu říkali, nelez do žita!" "Jenomže ten čuník se každou noc podhrabal a šup do žita, a tam se měl..." "Jako prase v žitě.. a to je celý?" "Ne, to má ještě pokračování. Ten čuník byl ze všech nejtlustší, a když přišla doba zabíjaček, šel první na řadu." "Zabili ho?" "No, ale ty ostatní potom taky!" "Ale jenom ten jeden si moh opravdu říct, byl jsem v žitě."

Miloš Kopecký

Feldkurát Katz-Poslušně hlásím 1957

"Dámy, já mám pro Vás báječnou anekdotu.... v Budějovicích byl jeden tambor, oženil se, za rok umřel...není to dobrý?"


Al Pacino

Michael Corleone-Kmotr 1972

"What I want.....what's most important to me is that I have a guarantee." "No more attempts on my father's life."

Jaroslav Marvan

strážmistr Flanderka - Poslušně hlásím 1957

"Obyvatelstvo obce Putimi je zcela loijální a podle stupnic vydaných C. a K. Ministerstvem vnitra, je nálada 1A."

Paul Newman

Luke-Frajer Luke 1967

"Lucas Jackson."  "Here, Captain."
"Maliciously destroying municipal property while under the influence." " What was that?"
"Cutting the heads off parking meters, Captain."
"We ain't never had one of them before." " Where do you think that's going to get you?"
"I guess you could say I wasn't thinking, Captain."
"It says here that you did real good in the war." "A Silver Star, Bronze Star,couple of Purple Hearts......Sergeant. Then came out the same way you went in."  "Buck Private."
"Like I was just passing time, Captain."

Mel Gibson

William Wallace-Statečné srdce 1995

"I´am William Wallace! And I see a whole army of my countrymen, here in defiance of tyranny". "You've come to fight as free men... and free men you are." "What will you do with that freedom?" "Will you fight?"
"Fight?" "Against that?" "No!" " We will run." " And we will live."
"Aye, fight and you may die." "Run, and you'll live... at least a while." "And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!"

Jan Libíček

Petrtýl-Světáci 1969

"Já mám doma jedenáct stříbrokrkejch fenixek žaponskejch."......... "Vy pocházíte ze vsi.......?"... "No a ještě mám doma kohouta..... a ten kohout skáče asi takhle.......huuup, to je co?" hvííízd

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