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Reviews (10,817)


The Ghost Beyond (2018) 

English The American horror film The Ghost Beyond is an attempt at a ghost story that has been rehashed hundreds of times, which is the basic problem. There is absolutely nothing original in the plot, and it is all a derivation of what we have seen many times before. On top of that, it's shot in a way where at times you don't know if you're watching a horror movie or simply some TV family production you accidentally switched on.


The Mummy's Ghost (1944) 

English If a person sees all five Universal mummy movies in a row and then remembers a scene from a mummy film sometime in the future, I'm almost certain they won't be able to place which movie the scene actually came from. One could almost say that the films differ only in the mummy’s mask and its execution. That's pretty weak for what should be an iconic monster. The Mummy's Ghost simply confirms it.


Let Her Out (2016) 

English The American horror film Let Her Out is strong in that it manages to offer uncomfortable scenes that some viewers may turn away from. This, together with the atmosphere of uncertainty from the opening, creates quite a strong mix that will lure the viewer in and perhaps not let go until the end. The ending is not the film's strong point, but its progression is able to please. This film will please horror fans, but otherwise, it’s quite disgusting.


Hydra (2009) (TV movie) 

English The American film Hydra unfortunately amounts to what is expected of it. The bad special effects simply take up your time, and it's also better to do something else during the time than simply watch the film, because that alone won't give you anything. Unfortunately, too many monsters exist to make a bad movie about, and the filmmakers are so clever that they exploit them. Hydra definitely deserves better.


Stree (2018) 

English The problem I have with Stree is that the filmmakers are not primarily concerned with the horror genre, but they are concerned with pleasing the audience. We get mysterious love, but not that much, and we also get a bit of fun. This mix simply can't work in a horror film, and I primarily rate the film as a horror film. Stree is a weak film that anyone can watch. But it's not going to be fun for them.


Nazi Overlord (2018) Boo!

English The American film Nazi Overlord made basically no sense in terms of filming, because there's hardly anyone who could actually enjoy this. There's nothing cool here that I would expect from a B-movie - everything is simply done the easiest possible way. There is a bit of gore, but it's still mostly CGI, which will make the heart of anyone who loves classic special effects weep. This is a film worth overlooking.


The Vampire Bat (1933) 

English It's almost surprising that films like Dracula or Frankenstein could have been made at the same time, because they had a lot of good things in them, even if they look dated today. But there have always been bad films, even at a time when there weren't as many of them, they weren't color films and the horror was still quite peaceful, at least compared to what came after.


Other Halves (2015) 

English No, the American film Other Halves has nothing to intrigue you with. There is too much overacting in the more critical stages, which simply spoils the impression. The opening promises something dark, almost mysterious, but we never get it. The darkness only shines through in how aggressively the characters behave and in that, this horror film is not revelatory. Apart from the beautifully shot nudity, the film is a disappointment for me.


The Echo (2008) 

English Ultimately, The Echo is an average film for me. It's not outright bad, but I look at it differently when I know that it's a remake. It's like the film automatically loses something. Even with the songs, I prefer the original versions. Yes, there are exceptions to this rule, but The Echo isn't one of them. If you missed out on the original film, then this definitely won’t be a waste of time for you.


Paranormal Phenomena (2009) (TV movie) 

English The Bulgarian film Lightning Strikes made for American television is bad. You really can't expect anything worthwhile from it. But if you're in the mood for a B-movie that spends a lot of its time with characters you don't really care about, and if you don't mind that it's not very explicit, then you'll get a film that's tolerable. Soon after you will forget about it.