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Reviews (10,817)


Around the World in 80 Days (1956) 

English I have to say, I loved this take on the legendary Verne story. In addition to the great David Niven and the excellent Cantinflas, there are also other interesting actors appearing here - such as Peter Lorre. But it also relies on the journey itself and at the individual stops. The film understood this and portrays the world beautifully.


A United Kingdom (2016) 

English A story about how racism can be overcome and still grow into a strong African country. Yes, it's actually like a fairy tale, although at times quite harsh, but the happy ending screams so much that it's not nice. However, the actors must be credited for handling their roles well and being believable, both Rosamund Pike and David Oyelowo.


An Honest Liar (2014) 

English A documentary film about an American magician who eventually made a name for himself by exposing fraudsters, but it turned out that one fraudster was closer to him than others. Still, it had a happy ending. It's an interesting human story that makes you think that only life itself can really invent it.


Tarzan, the Ape Man (1981) 

English This is very different. This version of Tarzan is not filmed as an action-adventure movie, but rather as a meditative film, aided by very slowed-down action scenes, turning it into something you want to ponder and perhaps savor. The film is about something different than normal Tarzan movies, as it's actually about a person. And thanks to its delivery, it's very inaccessible.


Cash (2008) 

English At the beginning, it was quite good, with interesting characters, but in the end, it somehow evolved into something lost, and I wasn't enjoying it much towards the end. It was too positive. But I'm glad that I got to see Valeria Golino in a film after a long time. I haven't had much luck with her and I'm glad when I see her in something. But she also didn't suffice for anything better.


Ecstasies of Women (1969) 

English Herschell Gordon Lewis takes it a step further in Ecstasies of Women, this time in nudity, but it's not the step you'd wish for from him; it's not the further step that breaks established limits. It's simply a soft-core erotic film that is really only for die-hard Herschell Gordon Lewis fans at the moment. It won't offer much to others.


Magic Silver II (2011) 

English I quite like the way these fairy tales are filmed. It's quite professional, using nice exteriors and overall nice places, even the factory fits in somehow. The story is quite banal, just a chase for a magical object, but for kids, this is quite tolerable.

poster (2009) 

English This really isn't a pretty movie. Everything here is so glossy and so pink that it's basically unwatchable, the main character is incredibly obnoxious and the scenes are filmed just for teenagers to masturbate over. The story isn't worth talking about, just like it's not worth talking about the humor that isn't here.


Operation Bororo (1972) 

English An interesting Czech film, which may appear to be sci-fi and indeed is sci-fi, but you shouldn't expect any flashy spectacle. That's not really what the film is about, and everything is conveyed basically through dialogue. But the film certainly didn't bore me and the overall concept, which is so pleasantly strange, kept me entertained all the way to the end.


Tarzan and the Jungle Boy (1968) 

English Mike Henry says a fairly decent goodbye to Tarzan and his series, which ultimately leads to an average film where we find what we expect. There's some fighting, and quite a few animals, and as the title suggests, we get some of that boy back to Tarzan again. It’s nothing really new, but nothing outright bad either.