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Reviews (10,848)


All Night Long 2 (1995) 

English Rough, but still good. I'll admit that I hate bullying, and I think anyone who bullies is just a loser. That's why I like films where bullying is dealt with. This is a very extreme way of doing it, but it's still presented in a way that makes you interested, it’s gritty and bloody, but still not overly explicit - it's the Japanese still being unwilling to show certain things.


Santa's Boot Camp (2016) 

English A film about how Christmas - or rather Santa - needs to be saved by taking naughty kids who don't believe in Christmas and getting them to believe again at a recruitment camp. The introduction with Eric Roberts is only there for the sake of Roberts' appearance - otherwise, it's a mess with no emotion or Christmas spirit.


Sunrise (2014) 

English They say that Indians can't make a gritty thriller. Sunrise is an example that they can. It's a bit shallow at first glance, because children as victims are always a rough element, but this film seemed to lack hope in certain parts, which I liked. It's darker than most Indian productions and it works.


A Few Less Men (2017) 

English I thought this might be kind of fun. And at first, it almost looked like it might be funny. Unfortunately, the main trio trying to get their dead friend's body home is incredibly annoying. Every one of them is a caricature. Horny, wannabe reasonable, and an asshole. Nothing new under the sun. By the halfway point, it was getting too long.


Three Summer Nights (2015) 

English This Korean comedy is not bad at all, it’s pretty focused and there are scenes you won't find in similarly tuned American comedies. Yet just because the comedy goes a little further is not, in and of itself, a win for the film. The story is a bit clichéd and I couldn't connect with the three characters.


Painkillers (2015) 

English This is a mediocre sci-fi thriller that is brought down a fair bit with all the excessive conversation. It's as if they're not even capable of having action in B-movies. Then one thinks fondly of Roger Corman and his 1970s production. That was also weak script-wise, but there was a lot more action in it.


Beyond Paradise (2015) 

English If the ending hadn't been so unnecessarily tragic in the sense of evoking as many tears as possible from the audience, I would have liked it. Extremism is presented here in a completely different way - we are only seeing its effects on one woman. The implications of which are crucial to her. It has good characters, but it's just very mechanical, which bothered me a lot at times. However, the leading actress is beautiful.


Pirate's Passage (2015) (TV movie) 

English The story isn't bad, but I kind of couldn't help thinking it was odd that this particular one was stretched into a feature film. And an animated one at that. I could imagine it being live-action, but it's true that it has its charm and the animation is quite novel. The treasure shot, however, shows its shortcomings.


San Patricios (2016) 

English This is a modern western about what it's like not to pay for something. It's ultimately more of a crime thriller, where the characters go from trying to get money to pay a debt to finding it easier to avoid paying, or doing everything they can to avoid having to pay. I have to say that the finale is definitely not bad, but otherwise, not much else happens. It doesn't have any real energy.


Dudes & Dragons (2015) 

English This is such a stupid and terrible fantasy movie that it's actually nice. Well, almost nice. It's kitsch, and it’s really obvious that it's all shot in front of a green screen, which is really a bit of a degradation of filmmaking, but maybe that’s its future. Having jokes counts for something, and in this case, it works every once in a while. The film has enough minutes to do that at times.