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Reviews (1,865)


Ther Death of the Black King (1971) 

English "It's a difficult case...", says Vacátko in the in the last film from the series by Jiří Sequens. Although the plot is by no means world-breaking and would be enough for one episode of the series, it’s always fun to watch thanks to the excellent actors led by Jaroslav Marvan. After all, The Sinful People of Prague has a slightly different quality than the captivating detective tapestry (the humor and atmosphere of First Republic Prague are always at the forefront). I just wish it wasn't so long and set up. ... as I said, “it's a difficult case".


Burglar and Umbrella (1970) 

English A relatively weak attempt to move from the genre of the meaningless detective story to "more serious" topics... Sequens seems to want to paint the environment of a gallery and film a "love drama" from First Republic Prague, which will intertwine the notorious characters of a great series... He got about halfway there. It's very decent in terms of the acting, but the script is dry and lacks any excitement. Pěnička and Paraplíčko are definitely amongst the weaker characters from the company of sinners in the districts of the Lords of the “Four". The humor also isn’t what it used to be.


Sliding Doors (1998) 

English Peter Howitt works with the parallel destinies of the protagonist, which are predetermined by missing the subway. The point of the film is much more interesting than its somewhat long course, but the fact remains that Gwyneth Paltrow is really beautiful (in all the forms she takes on in the film) and the other acting performances of this atypically-narrated love story are well above average... It's skilfully shot, sweetened with feeling and pleasant with every inch. Which doesn't change the fact that it could have been better if the film hadn't kept everything remarkable for its form and added a bit of invention to the predictable content.


Speed 2 (1997) 

English Cruise Control? A lady once said... It’s way off, and even my favorite actress Sandra Bullock can’t save it. Absolutely indistinct Jan de Bont diluted a series of boring stories from a cruise ship, controlled by a mad security software developer, with a talkative and naive love story and crowned it with a pretty nice explosion and an impressive final shipwreck. Truly far too little for an action movie...


Walker, Texas Ranger (1993) (series) 

English Fun. Chuck kicks a robber in the head. Chuck kicks a gangster in the balls. Chuck plays baseball. Chuck flirts. Chuck kicks a robber in the balls. Chuck has a nice hat ... Exciting! You really have to try hard to find something this stupid. Almost every episode ends with the funniest and most inventive point: Chuck kicks X into Y. He should have kicked the screenwriter instead. Hard. Although... the role of the bearded uncle-moralizer is written precisely for him and his developed body. If anyone thinks that the "star of the series" is supposed to deliver a performance on the level of a teleshopping shot on a fitness machine... well, then they obviously think so.


MacGyver: Lost Treasure of Atlantis (1994) (TV movie) 

English The pinnacle of MacGyver's poetics with everything that it encompasses. Ingenious message: "What are you doing, MacGyver?" "I'm stopping national purges." This is the quintessence of the heroic soul of the shaggy handyman, and other key attributes follow. Somewhat cheap trick shots. Somewhat blatant studio interiors. A somewhat stolen story (Indiana Jones, eat your heart out!). Somewhat declining, but excellent entertainment, definitely better not only from both TV movies about MacGyver, but its atmosphere and gradient surpass even the sometimes sleepy series. Surprisingly, all the ingredients fit, thereby creating a really successful and, in a way, an original creation…


MacGyver (1985) (series) 

English Maybe I’m the idiot in the room, and even though we laughed at the sculptural R. D. Anderson in middle school because of his naive activist messages, we still watched his escapades overcoming raw brutality through the power of the forester spirit every afternoon. Yes, it's complete bullshit, perhaps also ridiculous and naive, but with a little nostalgia, I am giving 4 stars to a hero who thought twice about using his fists, because even if you have nothing in your hands, you can always build a perpetuum mobile or at least something really useful... After all - isn't "MacGyver" one of the last Mohicans of gentlemen amongst American series? :-))


In the Line of Fire (1993) 

English Wolfgang Petersen shifted perfectly from a legible author's manuscript to a somewhat uniform American style. From my point of view, it's too bad, even though I'm still a little hesitant when watching the film In the Line of Fire. It is really good, albeit in a way a routine, stylistic exercise on the topic of "I'm a wacko, I want to kill a powerful person (the President of the USA) and a typical good hero is standing in my way". If the wacko had not been portrayed with characterless cold-bloodedness and inhuman coldness by John Malkovich and the good hero by Clint Eastwood, weathered by the wind and life, this drama would have been just a pawn in a huge crowd. But the gambit of Frank Horrigan and Mitch Leary is truly worth it. The film has strong emotion, and it is unpredictable, captivating and supportive. Petersen's film stands and falls with him. Meaning that it tends to stand rather than fall. An excellent spectator experience even the third time around.


Shrek 2 (2004) 

English Who would have guessed the type of film cult that would hatch from that green, insanely clumsy and eternally bloated ogre? But that's the way it is, and I just have to confirm that Shrek 2 does not embarrass its predecessor, and it has even more one-liners (my favorite: I hate Mondays...), again densely packed with excellent musical numbers and catchy songs "in the background" of scenes, original characters from the realm of fairy tales (and the winner is... Puss in Boots played by the phenomenal Banderas... this guy is sexy, this guy is amazing!), and of course the most jovial and unclassifiable genre mix of comedy, parody, action, love story... My joy is perhaps a bit spoiled by the knowledge that it is a variation on the theme of the first film (the emotionally captivating finale is not all that captivating after all), but when I tell you that you are guaranteed to enjoy this movie despite this fact, I'm not lying to you. The repeated point may gnaw at the soul, but as soon as Donkey and Puss release the Latin-American rhythms, all the negatives are forgotten. Shrek amounts to a good mood in green, kindness, insight and an excellent film that can pleasantly tickle the soul. There may be hints of commercial calculations here and there, but I get zero impression that it is a fake. And the liveliness of the animated characters is... really startling. How the hell do they do that? !!! Watch the version subtitles, otherwise you will miss out on a large piece of Shrek's magic !!!


30 Cases of Major Zeman (1974) (series) Boo!

English Czech audiences love their informants. Those cheerful informants that come from the people, with a kind face and the proper attitude and explanation of all the major historical events in the difficult times of 1948. Czech audiences cannot live without their informants. Because the world of informants is one big fairy tale – there is clear good and there is clear evil. Evil are all those who are not informants of the people. Repulsive intellectuals. True peasants. Rich peasants. Artists. Then there are even less perfect individuals, not evil per se, but simply not from the Public Security. Together, they form a world ruled by our informants from the people. Jiří Sequens filmed the embodied normalization, both in terms of shape and content. Beneath the thin crust of would-be detective stories (are they detective stories at all, dear experts?) lies well-formulated propaganda, served with boorish charm and uncommon pander. Was it good in terms of craft? Don't let anyone laugh at you. Terrible! Sparse! Artificial! Perhaps the musical accompaniment is worth giving credit to... However, Czech audiences love their informants and do not care that Thirty Cases of Major Zeman is first-class propaganda shit, and when we take a closer look at it, the film seems to have a perverse systematic tendency to overturn reality. Enjoy yourselves, fans of comrade Major Zeman of the people… Did you actually notice what the famous Well is all about? Murder? But! Try again... How about the wrong attitude of a part of the socialist nation in regards to 1968? It's burning!!!!!