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Reviews (1,943)


In Night and Ice (1912) 

English The oldest film about the most famous maritime disaster can offer some nice shots of the Titanic's "double" and some decent work with small models. The story, however, is already very weak, and I was quite bothered by the swinging camera, which was probably meant to suggest that it was set at sea. Well, that might work for a boat weighing a few dozen kilograms, but for a forty-five thousand ton steamer, not quite.


Dark Shadows (2012) 

English Next to Planet of the Apes, I think Dark Shadows is the weakest film from Tim Burton, whom I respect a lot as a director, as several of his films are favourites of mine. The visuals are again top notch – there are many scenes that are truly a feast for the eyes, especially the cliff sequences and the end of the film. The colourful 70s vibe mixes beautifully with the sombre atmosphere – just your typical Burton. The cast was well chosen, alongside the director's regulars I was most impressed by Michelle Pfeiffer, Eva Green and Jackie Earle Haley. But when it comes to the script, I didn't like some passages, especially the ones with Chloë Grace Moretz, and I was also expecting maybe something more funny. In short, a mediocre American film that, despite its appealing look and (as always) Danny Elfman's great score, didn't get me as much as I would have liked.


Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959) 

English The worst movie ever made according to many. In my opinion, there are even worse pieces of cinematic garbage that rightfully belong in the trash. The main problem is the script, which features completely unnecessary and mundane lines that end up looking very silly. There is also a lot of logical nonsense, like the scene in the cemetery where it is always night, while outside, at the same time, it is always light (probably a mix of exterior and studio shots). The acting is really very weak, especially with the "zombies". A film that has its detractors and its supporters, and I understand both sides. One star for the message spoken against violence on our planet.


Every Day (2010) 

English A very good premise with an excellent cast, but it gets lost in a fairly flat execution with no depth, which is a real shame. I was most pleased with Helen Hunt, Ezra Miller (unexpectedly) and Brian Dennehy in their roles. In short, an average drama about the life of one family, in which classic problems are solved - it neither offends nor impresses.


Beware the Gonzo (2010) 

English An average American film from a high school setting, in which perhaps the most impressive thing is the pretty good story and the performances of Ezra Miller and Zoë Kravitz. It shows again the harsh hierarchy that (according to many films) prevails in high schools, and as always there is someone who wants to challenge this system. And that is "Gonzo". In short, a film that has some nice scenes and moments, but doesn't really stick in the memory - a bit of a peppier respite.


Another Happy Day (2011) 

English This film could have been a very good and dense drama set in an American wedding, but it works more as a background while family problems, old wrongs and scars come to the fore, but in the end it is a mediocre film that didn't exactly meet with a great response, which on the one hand is not surprising. So why the nice and solid three stars?! First of all for the performance of Ezra Miller, fwho was very fitting in the role of the naked young man standing on the edge of the abyss, and also for Ellen Burstyn and George Kennedy, who despite their age can act much better than the other younger actors in the ensemble. Ellen Barkin came across as too affected, as did Demi Moore, which unites them, alongside their "Bakelite" visage. And I mustn't forget Ólafur Arnalds' wonderful score, whose melancholic sound highlighted the drama of many scenes. In short, a film in which there is too great a concentration of psychologically disturbed characters that ends up harming it in places.


Soldier's Girl (2003) (TV movie) 

English A beautiful and tragic story about a seemingly unconventional love that is thwarted by human limitations and hatred. Perfect and convincing performances by Troy Garity and Lee Pace, a great Shawn Hatosy and the bald hillbilly. Praise must also go to the make-up artists who created a Calpernia who looked the part as a woman. The beginning was kind of dryer, but then the story started to build up, and even though I knew how it was going to end, I was still on tenterhooks until the end. Next to Transamerica, one of the best films of its genre. In short, a film that chills all the more because it's based on a true story.


Life of Pi (2012) 

English When I left the cinema I thought I was probably expecting something deeper and more intense, but then I realised that I was actually expecting something like a beautifully colourful and bitter fairy tale with lots of digital animals, which I actually got. The beginning was kind of slow (maybe it could have been a little shorter), but the boat ride, the shipwreck and the fight for survival were absolutely amazing. Many of the scenes looked magical and were a feast for the eyes, for example the sunset or the night at sea. All the digital animals looked incredibly realistic (the tiger, the meerkats, ...), so kudos to the VFX artists. As for the main character, you have to take into account that this was the actor's debut and therefore you have to forgive him something, but in the end there wasn't much. In short, a colourful adventure of one boy that gives room to some interesting religious digressions.


Meet the Rizzos (2009) 

English At first glance, City Island is not a particularly shocking and entertaining tragicomedy, but it's not a dull one either. It probably sounds paradoxical what I wrote, but it felt like it. We are dealing with an abnormal and dysfunctional family in which each member has their own secrets, desires and woes. Each character was well thought out in their own right and fit the actors perfectly like a tailored suit. Even though you could tell from the beginning how things would probably turn out, I was still in mild suspense until the end of the film (What if?). The cast was absolutely perfect, led by Andy Garcia and Ezra Miller. A cool movie that differs from other of its kind in that I'll remember it in the future, and in a good way.


The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) 

English In my opinion, Peter Jackson's return to Middle Earth is a success. It's different from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, because here it's one book divided into three films, but I still have to say that I was carried away on the waves of fantasy for almost three hours. Since I hadn't read the book, I had no idea what was going to happen, which I count as a plus because I wasn't bored for a moment. I probably don't even need to talk about the technical side of the film, because it was absolutely fantastic - amazing music by Howard Shore, breathtaking effects (the stone giants, the orc chase, Gollum, ... everything actually), spectacular production design and great cinematography immortalizing the beautiful (if sometimes digital) scenery. I'm happy with the cast - the best actor was of course Gollum and his alter ego, and I also enjoyed the return of old friends in the form of Gandalf and Galadriel. Along with the epic and battle scenes, there were a couple of funny scenes that found their way into the film, and they work a treat. All in all, a great film that, while it didn't blow me away 100% in the end (probably 90% or so), definitely served its purpose with me.