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Reviews (2,986)


Stuck on You (2003) 

English For a comedy, it lacks humor and for a drama, it lacks a dramatic line. Yet the premise undoubtedly has comedy potential and the FratPack crew could certainly make something out of it. At least the Farrelly brothers toned down on the coarse-grained humour this time.


Zoolander (2001) 

English Ingeniously dumb and dumbly ingenious - a total parody of a lifestyle, life and everything. Indescribable absurdity multiplied by infinity, which goes all the way ad absurdum. For Christ’s sake, I so want to a man who looks not just good, but really good, like a male model, and I wish I could manage at least Zoolander’s Magnum. I’m not setting my sights on Blue Steel quite yet, but the day will come... Lucky I have this on CD and so can have countless repeat viewings to get Derek’s prize expression down to a T.


Clerks II (2006) 

English Smith returns to his New Jersey gang of slackers after a break of twelve years, and we can only be grateful, as the characters of Randell and Dante still have a lot to say after all this time. The new characters are as memorable as the ones already familiar to us. Rosaria Dawson is a convincing actor and the Catholic, Elias, will definitely get to you. Like most of Kevin's films, it's based primarily on brilliantly polished dialogs – both serious and pop cultural. In addition to the beautifully captured melancholy, above all they give us brilliant humor. I laughed at most of the scenes long after they ended (if this movie doesn't convince you that Bay's feature-length Transformers has a philosophical message of the highest quality, I don't know what will). Last but not least, the iconic Jay and Silent Bob duo returns to the screen in top form. I sincerely hope that we will meet this bunch again in another decade’s time...


C'est l'apocalypse (1979) 

English Conrad's “Heart of Darkness” is one of those timeless books, and it's not bad at all. It is all the more remarkable that Coppola's adaptation does not fall short in any respect, it even surpasses it in many ways. At least in the director's cut, it is an equally riveting probe through the darkness of the soul and madness.


Lady in the Water (2006) 

English Is this or is this not a fairytale? As a "regular" movie it is terrible, but as an experiment it is fascinating. A fairytale for adults that plays around and turns all the common clichés and established narrative procedures upside-down. You have to play Shyamalan's game otherwise this will just be a boring mishmash for you. That is, except for the small detail that it is not a mishmash. Quite the opposite. Playfulness with established procedures is only hindered by Night's egoism. Too bad about that.


Reservoir Dogs (1992) 

English Tarantino would perfect his style in his next film, but for me personally Reservoir Dogs and their slut Madonna are enough for complete satisfaction.


Blood Rain (2005) 

English Rain does not always wash away the dirt. Sometimes it’s the other way round... A South Korean loose variation on The Name of the Rose (the film, not the marvelous book). The action takes place in the 19th century in an isolated place with a very closed community where certain rules reign. Here we have an unusually intelligent and thoughtful investigator; the division of the plot into individual consecutive days; the dense atmosphere of something dark; and, last but not least, violent murders of all different types. Technically, there is nothing to reproach; the setting, the music, and camera work are magnificent, as are the actors. Despite all the indisputable positives, I see a small minus in the fact that this time it is actually "purely a Western film" and, apart from one scene toward the end, it lacks the famous Asian otherness. I admit that it's not really a negative, but there's actually not much to reproach here - even with the characters, in my opinion, it is possible to orient yourself from the beginning without any problems.


The Scarlet Letter (2004) 

English Pretty minimalist and very impressive. If you are expecting a regular crime story, you’d better avoid this film, because here the murder investigation is sidelined and the main storyline focuses primarily on the personal life of the investigating detective. Despite the presence of a great scene in a trunk and the magnificent combination of the visual components with classical music, this movie will forever remain overshadowed by the suicide of the charming Eun-ju Lee (and the erotic scenes, which were supposedly the reason she did it, are not daring - quite the opposite).


Goal! (2005) 

English The first part of an intended trilogy about a kid from a poor neighborhood and his great talent for soccer, sponsored by FIFA. And despite the fact that at FIFA’s request this is a modern “fairytale" with a moral at the end, this picture is at last a respectable soccer movie for the silver screen, where it has been sorely missing in recent years. The great plus for this movie is that the real soccer environment is depicted here, along with appearances from contemporary soccer stars. The only serious problem I see here is the incomprehensible choice of clubs (I simply don’t like Newcastle United), which is counter-balanced by the Baroš/Šmicer double act...


Step by Step (1991) (series) 

English A solid family sitcom where the final moral lessons had to be "breathed out". The first few seasons were great, but after Cody's departure the series went downhill quickly and even his later comeback didn't help to return to the original level.