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Reviews (2,991)


Surrogates (2009) 

English The square root of film adaptations of Phillip K. Dick, both the good and the bad ones. A generic and stupid sci-fi B-movie with a not stupid idea that the right hands could be the base of a new Blade Runner. In the end, it’s actually like Total Recall, but without the action.


The Ark (2007) 

English And I want a real-life actors version while Leonard Nimoy is still alive! The pure essence of depression, the outcome of which I do not consider at all pleasant or even relieving, but on the contrary, a depressing and forlorn confirmation of the unadulterated despair and depression. By the way, did I mention the word DEPRESSION yet?


BrainStorm (2008) (TV movie) 

English A fairytale for adults, or how a small-minded Czech screwed up his life but then found relative happiness. The only thing that bothered me is Strach’s well-known habit of casting the most famous possible actors into every (every single) role. It’s so awful... Cheap and counterproductive. While in The Angel of the Lord he had his reasons to do so, here it’s just really out of place. On the other hand, it’s refreshing to see that even when you cast all the roles on paper exactly as everyone would expect (i.e. each one caught in their own little niche, doesn’t anyone have the balls to let Trojan play a slightly different type of role?), if they actually have something to act, then they put on a darn good performance.


The Wolf (1982) 

English If had been half as long, this would be a phenomenal tale with an atmosphere full of sleet, remote sprawling snowy wastes and fog. However, since it was so long, I began (however much unhappily) to realize half way through *yaawn*, that during the middle bit *yaawwn* nothing at all happens *yaaawwn* and the finale, which gives this finally gives this some balls, is still a long way off.


Choke (2008) 

English Untapped potential is not the right expression, but it’s the first that comes to mind. This adaptation doesn't particularly disgrace the book, but it's just a crude illustration of the source material. And I don't like that, a little inventiveness wouldn't hurt.


Is Anybody There? (2008) 

English Parkinson with Parkinson’s in a movie which, with its cynical introduction, raises the faint hope that this could perhaps be a toned-down version of Harold and Maude. However, this feeling disappears all too soon and it descends into being a regular, hundred-times-seen friendship classic that sadly plays your heartstrings.


Brothers Bloom (2008) 

English I understand that Rachel and Adrien wanted to see the sights of Prague, but did they really have to sign up for a movie where even brain-dead viewers are always ten steps ahead of the characters? The result isn’t improved by the vain attempt at copying the poetry of Wes Anderson. It falls very short in terms of poetry and atmosphere (these show through in just a couple of scenes and is these that suggest that if the whole movie had been that good, it would have made up for the unfortunate screenplay) and it is just weird and stupid. Really weird and very stupid. Not to mention the killing length of it, considering nothing happens for the whole last half hour.


Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009) 

English Kids must be jumping for joy; I’m happy for them. The creators have carried on with never-ending falling and chase scenes. But I didn’t expect anything different. They’ve earned a fortune on it, I’m happy for them. But it’s over the line if you leave the humor out of Scratch’s escapades; you’d better not ask me what I would do to the authors for it. The only positive side of the third Ice Age is Pegg’s Buck who seems like he came out of a completely different animated movie. An animated with a slightly more mature character which I would enjoy maybe more than first-graders. Can’t have those little beggars hogging every single animated movie for themselves, now, can we?


Protector (2009) 

English I have been complaining for a long time that Czech cinema has been avoiding letting skeletons out of the closet of local history, while our German neighbors have been tackling one historical blot after another. Plus, they almost always do this in an unforgettable way. And so I am really extremely grateful that somebody here has tried at last. That it remained just an attempt is another matter... It was clearly lacking any dramatic tension. Tension that was present in The Ear. Cut deep and not just skate about on the surface. Even so, this is a sufficiently high quality picture (the scenes with the bicycles, the scenes with the photo-shoot!) that withstands, despite its shortcomings. P.S.: The poster only makes sense with the opening line, which, while being original, I would say is a little counterproductive. And also I wonder whether the similarity of the story with the fates of Čeněk Šlégl was merely incidental or not.


The 400 Blows (1959) 

English Truffaut's mastery is already on display in this film more than once, but it would only come out in all its glory in later films. PS: Am I the only one who thought that Paris was so visually and atmospherically reminiscent of old Žižkov?