The Last Farmer

  • India Kadaisi Vivasayi
India, 2021, 120 min


Octogenarian Maayandi is the last active farmer in his remote village in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. His farm work, his fields and livestock are enough for him, and he refuses to sell his land to a property developer. But Maayandi’s pleasantly predictable way of life comes to an abrupt end when he is wrongly accused of killing three peacocks – the national symbol of India – and burying them on his property. While his case takes Kafkaesque twists and turns, the incarcerated Maayandi worries mainly about his crops, sown as tribute to the gods and an entreaty for rain. Farming traditions passed down from generation to generation could be lost forever as Maayandi remains absent from the farm. Until the other villagers join together to take action. This parable about the impending loss of ancient traditions skilfully interweaves dramatic scenes with dry humour. The striking soundtrack accompanies fairy-tale footage of the peacock-studded surroundings. (International Film Festival Rotterdam)



The Last Farmer

The Last Farmer

The Orchestral Soundtrack

Label: Altus Records

Year: 2023

Country: UK

Format: digital

Length: 22:23

1. The Old Tree Richard Harvey 01:00
2. Finding The Peacock Richard Harvey 03:08
3. The Anointing Richard Harvey 02:16
4. At The Rice Field Richard Harvey 02:24
5. Look Southward Richard Harvey 04:44
6. He Flew Away Richard Harvey 03:58
7. Prison Moon Richard Harvey 01:21
8. To The Harvest Richard Harvey 03:32
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