
Professors Coombs, Meyers and Felger are examining the ruins of a gou'ald temple on an unfriendly planet. O'Neill and Teal'c, who are standing guard, leave to join Carter and Jonas, who are a short distance testing equipment near the stargate. Gou'ald attack vessels suddenly swoop down and capture the team, but instead of following O'Neill's orders and heading back to stargate command, Felger decides to go after them. Meyers heads back to SGC and tells Hammond that Felger and Coombs have used the rings at the ruins to go up to the orbiting gou'ald mothership where SG-1 is being held captive. Felger and Coombs crawl through some ducts and find SG-1's holding cell. O'Neill is furious with them for disobeying orders. Carter reveals that their capture was faked to facilitate a meeting with Khonsu, a high-ranking gou'ald who is actually an undercover Tok'ra. Felger and Coombs take cover behind some piled-up containers, but realize something is amiss when two jaffa are gunned down nearby. Her'ak, who is supposed to deliver SG-1, instead pens them inside a force field and sets off to kill Khonsu. Felger and Coombs travel to Khonsu's planet, sneak inside the pyramid and witness the killing. The two wayward scientists access the pyramid control room and contact the team on a gou'ald PA system. With Carter's help, they unlock a stash of weapons. Felger delivers the guns, while Coombs works on shutting off the force field. SG-1 and Felger escape and attack the jaffa who are guarding the stargate, but Coombs gets trapped inside the control room, forcing Teal'c and O'Neill to ring back inside and rescue him. Back at SGC, Felger and Coombs receive special medals of honour for their bravery. (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM))



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