

Communicating via a walkie-talkie that transcends time, a profiler from 2015 and a detective from 1989 join forces to tackle crimes and injustice. (Netflix)

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English I can't stop marveling at what tvN has been doing lately. I'm beginning to wonder if I should even waste my time with the other stations. :)) No, seriously... Signal is another show I can gush about for minutes here and still not do it justice. So I'll cut it short. I simply can’t find fault in this piece. Whether I'm judging the actors, the characters, the atmosphere, the tension, the soundtrack, the action sequences, or the story itself, I have nothing to complain about. It's so thoughtful, catchy, and suspenseful that you'll probably forget all the crime stuff you've seen before. I can't even believe the same person wrote the script for 3 Days. I don't seek out second seasons for Korean series, but here I consider it a necessity. And since the writer has earned my faith in this one, I'm looking forward to it and I trust that I won't be disappointed then next time she picks up her pen. ()

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