Woven Wings of Our Children

  • Philippines Hinabing pakpak ng ating mga anak


Woven Wing of Our Children is a good-hearted movie. The children living in a Philippines ghetto grow up too fast, dealing with the cruel world where they have to be responsible for their own lives. But they have bright, innocent and good dreams in their hearts. The reality on the streets of capitalism is, however, too harsh to hold on to these dreams. The film reveals that these children need practical help more than they need innocent religious beliefs. "Children" here should be seen as subjects with dreams and the keepers of the future, not as objects whose weakness and vulnerability should simply be protected. Calling them refugees, vagrants or beggars is the most dangerous and absurd thing to do in the sense that it might remove hope of a future away. In the shadow of a city, there are capabilities and coexistences of these children, beliefs about the nature of life shown by grandmothers, and the efforts of teachers and priests who try to build the right environment for the children. And this speaks about the importance of child welfare and education and reveals the irresponsibility of the city. (Busan International Film Festival)
