Mary's City

  • Argentina Ciudad de María
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Argentina / Netherlands, 2002, 85 min


Every day, hundreds of people crowd in front of Gladys Motta's house. They put an endless stream of letters containing wishes through her gate. Gladys has visions of the Virgin Mary, and draws 1.5 million pilgrims a year to San Nicolás. The main source of income of this city, the birthplace of director Enrique Bellande, used to be the steel industry. But, after a recession, this economic role has been taken over by Gladys. Bellande interviews people who are directly involved and follows a journalist who reports on the events only the enigmatic Gladys herself does not allow anybody to interview her. Gradually, the magnitude of the worship and the religious commerce becomes clear. People travel for days and weeks on horseback, by bicycle and on foot to say a prayer to a statue of the Virgin Mary. For the sake of convenience, a holy spring has just been invented. Some of the pilgrims' money is being used to build a huge church. (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)
