
  • Japan Gingakei
all posters
Japan, 1967, 75 min

Directed by:

Masao Adachi


Adachi Masao's first self-produced feature is a milestone for being the first experimental feature film to come out of post-war Japan. A car crash sparks a sepia-tinted cinematic journey into the turbulent mind of the nameless protagonist who summons and distorts figures from his past, present and imagination. Featuring a swirling soundtrack by noise artist and Fluxus member Yasunao Tone, the film functions like a surrealist trip and showcases Adachi's wry humour, inventive cinematic style and penchant for non-linear storytelling. Described as having a structure like a Möbius strip by the filmmaker himself, Galaxy was the film that launched Tokyo's unique underground cinematheque and theatre space Theatre Scorpio that played an important role in Japanese experimental film in the years to come. (International Film Festival Rotterdam)

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