Losing Grace Finding Hope

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? %
USA, 2024, 84 min


Grace Caroline Loncar was striking, brilliant, sarcastically funny, insanely talented, and popular. She came from a prominent family in Dallas. To anyone looking from the outside, she was the girl who had it all. The one you hoped to know. The one you dreamt to be. Grace was sixteen when she took her own life on November 26, 2016. Suicide does not discriminate, and the after-effects are just as earth-shattering as the tragedy itself. This documentary seeks to spread awareness by shining a light on the loved ones left behind. It is our heartfelt hope that anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide will be inspired by this family's remarkable journey and realize that there is purpose in their pain, & the possibility of healing & happiness after suffering devastating loss. Surviving and thriving after the death of a loved one to suicide is possible. For anyone struggling with mental health challenges, we hope that by witnessing the depth of loss expressed in this film, they will recognize that the fight for life is worth it. We must stop the stigma, and not allow the growing ordinariness of suicide to desensitize the critical need for more support, compassion and awareness in regard to mental health issues or the loved ones left behind. (Dallas International Film Festival)
