Gordon Tanner

Gordon Tanner

Born 1968-03-08 (56 years old)


Gordon’s acting career began when he was working on his Master’s degree in Biosystems Engineering at the University of Manitoba, when a wrong turn on campus led to auditions for a production of Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida. He was cast in a major role and loved it so much he never went back to engineering.

Gordon is a member of the Royal Liechtenstein Theatre Company, along with fellow INERTIA cast member Sarah Constible. Since forming in 1995, the seven members have collectively written and performed 14 full-length sketch comedy productions, which have been highly acclaimed by both critics and the public. In 1999 they produced a series pilot for the CBC with Winnipeg filmmaker John Paizs.

Gordon’s theatre credits include an appearance with Ross MacMillan in Endgame in Winnipeg’s Becket Fest 2000, and as Rosencrantz (and five other characters) in a national tour of Hamlet with the English Suitcase Theatre.

Gordon was one of the original actors who started working on INERTIA with Sean Garrity in 1999. Sean and Gordon had worked together on Sean’s Prairie Music Award-nominated music video for Mark Reeves, as well as on a short film entitled “Buenos Aires Souvenir”. When he was asked to join the project because of his years of experience in improvisational theatre, he jumped at the chance.

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