Anca Damian

Anca Damian

Born 1962-04-01 (62 years old)
Kluž, Romania


Anca Damian studied at the Academy of Theatre and Film Arts where she obtained a diploma in Cinematography and a Doctor's Degree in Arts, Cinema and Media.

Anca worked as Director of Photography on two feature films, (FORGOTTEN BY GOD – 1991, THE WAY OF DOGS – 1992) and on many shorts and documentaries, and almost all of which were awarded national prizes for Cinematography. After that she worked as a director, screenwriter and producer for on several award winning documentaries.

In 2008, Anca made her first feature film as a director, screenwriter and co-producer. INTALNIRI INCRUCISATE- (CROSSING DATES) (2008), a Romanian-Finnish co-production, was selected at Pusan, Chicago, Goteborg, Pune International Film Festivals, Festival of East European Cinema (Cottbus), India International Film Festival (Goa) and Rome Independent Film Festival.

"A VERY UNSETTLED SUMMER" is the next feature film that she produced and direct. Maria Dinulescu, Jamie Sives, Kim Bodnia are in the cast and Film I Väst.

Aparte Film


