Tomáš Luňák

Tomáš Luňák

Born 1974-08-30 (49 years old)


Tomáš Luňák (b. 1974, Zlín, Czechoslovakia) studied animation at Zlín Film School, graduating with the short puppet film The Whisper (Šepot, 1995). He also attended FAMU in Prague, where he made his next puppet film Acrobat (Akrobat, 2000), which screened in Annecy, Hiroshima and at dozens of other film festivals. He has made numerous promotional spots and has also directed music videos for the bands The Ecstasy of Saint Theresa and Priessnitz, who are also involved in the music score for Alois Nebel. The film, his feature debut, premiered at the Venice IFF and was subsequently shown at festivals all over the world.

47. MFF Karlovy Vary



Production designer


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