Ana Otero

Ana Otero

Born 1970-05-13 (54 years old)
San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, País Vasco, Spain


Ana is an ctress with a degree in Dramatic Art from the Valladolid Theatre School and with training in numerous schools and workshops. We have seen her in the cinema in films such as The Apostate, Nobody’s Rose, Un buen día lo tiene cualquiera, Reflejos, La voz de su amo and Malena es un nombre de tango. Her popularity comes from her extensive career in television with series such as Blasco Ibañez, All Men are the Same, Compañeros, Love in Difficult Times, Cuestión de sexo, Algo que celebrar, Serve and Protect and Albanta.

Festival Internacional de Cine de Almería

