Keith Fulton

Keith Fulton

Born 1965-10-17 (58 years old)
Boston, Massachusetts, USA


Keith Fulton and Lou Pepe are directors of both documentary and fiction films and have made movies together for over 20 years. Their documentary feature Lost in La Mancha stands as the first and only verité chronicle of the collapse of a major motion picture, was nominated for the European Film Award for Best Documentary, and won the Evening Standard's Peter Sellers Award for Best Comedy. Their punk rock fever-dream, Brothers of the Head, won the Michael Powell Award for Best British Feature in 2006. For AMC, the team created the original documentary special Malkovich's Mail. Fulton and Pepe are also the authors of numerous screenplays, including The Wizards of Perfil, which made the Hollywood Black List in 2007.

Sundance Film Festival







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