Dal-su Oh

Dal-su Oh

Born 1968-06-15 (55 years old)
Tegu, provincie Severní Kjongsang, South Korea

Biography (1)

Oh Dal-soo's films include Thirst director Park Chan-wook's Old Boy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, and I'm a Cyborg But That's OK; Chu Chang-min's Mapado: Island of Fortunes; Ryoo Seung-wan's Crying Fist; Kim Dae-woo's Forbidden Quest; Kim Ji-woon's A Bittersweet Life and The Good, The Bad, The Weird; and (with Thirst star Song Kang-ho) Lim Chan-sang's The President's Barber, Han Jae-rim's The Show Must Go On, and Bong Joon-ho's The Host (voicing the monster).

Gallery (112)
