Richard Lowenstein

Richard Lowenstein

Born 1959-03-01 (65 years old)
Melbourne, Australia


Richard Lowenstein graduated from the Swinburne Film and Television school in 1979 having written and directed a half-hour dramatised documentary called Evictions, winner of the 1980 Erwin Rado Award for Best Australian Short Film at the Melbourne Film Festival. He went on to write and direct the feature film Strikebound (1984), the UK featurette White City (1985) for Pete Townshend of 'The Who', Dogs in Space (1986) with Saskia Post and Michael Hutchence, Say a Little Prayer (1993) and the Ghost Story telemovie for the ABC series 'Naked' produced by Jan Chapman He has also directed a number of award winning music videos, particularly for the group INXS, and TV commercials including one for the Sandinista Government of Nicaragua's 1990 election campaign.
Strikebound was nominated for nine AFI Awards, winning for Best Production Design, won the Jury Prize at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival in 1985 and was officially selected for Critics Week at the 1985 Venice Film Festival. Dogs in Space was in official selection for the Berlin, Taormina, London, Edinburgh and New York Film Festivals and Say a Little Prayer was also selected for Berlin.

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