Karl-Heinz Lotz

Karl-Heinz Lotz

Born 1946-11-27 (77 years old)
Teicha, Petersberg, Sasko-Anhaltsko, Germany


Karl-Heinz Lotz (1946) is a screenwriter and director. He started his film studies at DEFA, then later graduated from the University of Film and Television Potsdam. He's worked as an assistant director, making his own feature debut with the family film Paunch And I (Der Dicke und ich, 1980). Of his other works we'll mention the romance Young People in the City (Junge Leute in der Stadt, 1985), the fairy-tale Iron Jack (Eisenhans, 1988) and the respected family drama I Can Run Backwards as Well (Rückwärtslaufen Kann Ich Auch, 1990).

Zlín Film Festival


