Yolande Zauberman

Yolande Zauberman

Born 1955-03-23 (69 years old)
Paris, Île de France, France


She was born in Paris and studied Art History and economics. She began working cinema at the hand of Amos Gitaï. In 1987, she directed her first documentary, Classified People, which won numerous prizes including the Grand Prix at the Paris Festival. Her second film, Caste criminelle (1989) premiered at Cannes. Four years later she directed her first fiction film in Hebrew, Ivan & Abraham (1993), which won the Golden Fish at the Moscow Festival and the Youth Award at Cannes. Her 2011 film, Would You Have Sex with an Arab? premiered at Venice. won the Special Jury Prize and the Young Jury Prize at Locarno.

Festival de Cine de Sevilla




