Leonid Shmelkov

Leonid Shmelkov

Born 1982-07-15 (42 years old)
Moskva, Rusko, Soviet Union


Engaged in children drama school. Participated in the expedition to create a short film on the Kola Peninsula. 1995 — 2000 Trained in several Moscow studios of drawing and painting, as well as separately took lessons of illustration and font art. 2000 — 2005 Graduated from Moscow State University of Printing, Faculty of Graphic Arts. The first part of his graduation project was a series of lithographs of the fairy tale book by Hans Christian Andersen called The Golden Boy. And the second part of his graduation work was the animated film The Tale about Little Shrimp. 2006 — 2009 Studied at the Studio School SHAR in the specialty of direction of animated films. 2009 After these studies he made his first graduation animated film Dog-walking ground which was selected for many international festivals and was awarded with several awards and diplomas. My graduation supervisor was the famous Russian animator Ivan Maximov.  Work 1998 — 2006 Worked as a freelance designer, web-designer and online project developer 2004 — 2006 Worked as a designer and illustrator in the Moscow publishing house “U Nikitskihvorot”, designing the promotional materials, as well as several books and magazines. 2006 — 2008 Drew illustrations for the children magazine “Kukumber”. 2006 — hitherto Has collaborated with various publishers as an illustrator. During this time, he issued about 10 books 2006 — hitherto Has conducted workshops, mainly based on the books he illustrated (in libraries, art studios, the Jewish Museum, on the great festival of cartoons, TretyakovGallery). In total he gave about 20 master classes in drawing, developing imagination and animation for children and adults. 2009 — 2014 He participated in the creation and production of the animated series for children VEZUHA!,by Studio Metronome. As a director he has made 5 series (5 minutes each). He later took up the position of art supervisor on this project and coordinated the work of artists and directors and monitored quality.

Festival Internacional de Cine de Huesca




Production designer